Thursday, November 13, 2008

Mattie: The Grown Up

Pearls always make an outfit more feminine, whether you're in a skirt or pants.

Shoes can make or break an outfit. T-straps are a classic style that works for almost any season.

I had a talk with one of my good friends from back home in Pittsburgh about clothes and make up.
She explained to me how she didn't really wear make up and how she's become pretty casual because of the kids. Now, she's moved to a new city and starting a new chapter in her life. First, she plans to revamp her wardrobe.

I explained to her that I was transitioning myself. It dawned on me that I'm 24 and that I'm, um, a grown up. In a year, I'll be somebody's wife and who knows in two years I may be someone's mother as well.

We continued the conversation discussing our dreams and aspirations. I explained to her that I had changed up my wardrobe and daily routine to stay on the track of accomplishment. If you're in sweats or sneakers, no matter how good a game you talk and how smart you are, it will be overlooked because of your appearance. Especially as a woman.

These past few months I've been dressing up (more conservatively) - meaning my hair, makeup and clothes are good enough to have a respectable conversation or meeting with someone important. Someone once told me, "you've got to dress for the part you want."

I may not be that millionaire CEO yet, but I sure am going to dress like I am. Now, don't get me wrong...I rather throw on some denim and a graphic tee any day, but there are times for that. When I'm on my day to day routine, out in the world, I represent Mattie, Inc. and I'm the CEO. When you dress to impress and take yourself seriously, people have no choice but to take you seriously also.

I then learned something about my friend that many women deal with: she didn't really wear make up because she didn't really know how to put it on. It's seriously a 5 minute process. You don't have prepare stage make up for your day to day life. I gave her some tips...which I'll share soon and she was shocked that it was so easy.

All in all, I've learned that not only am I dressing like a grown up I actually am one.

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